Explore peer-reviewed publications by
Dr. Tash.
Darban, B., Poulopoulos, N., Campuzano, M., & Oliva, M. (in press). Improving LGBTQ+ Youth Healthcare: A Roadmap for System-Level Collaboration Efforts. Hospital Pediatrics.
Vassilopoulos, A., Poulopoulos, N., & Ibeziako, P. (2020). School absenteeism in medically hospitalized children and adolescents with somatic symptoms and related disorders. Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 26(2), 342-354.
Gumidyala, A. P., Greenley, R. N., Plevinsky, J. M., Poulopoulos, N., Cabrera, J., Lerner, D., Noe, J.
D., Walkiewicz, D., Werlin, S., & Kahn, S. A. (2018). Moving on: transition readiness in adolescents and young adults with IBD. Inflammatory Bowel Diseases, 24(3), 482-489.
Thomason, M. M., Poulopoulos, N., Nguyen, E., Gumidyala, A. P., Kahn, S. A., & Greenley, R.
N. (2017). Reliability and validity of the beliefs about medication scale in a pediatric inflammatory bowel disease sample. Journal of Child Health Care, 21(3), 253-262.
Wojtowicz, A. A., Plevinsky, J. M., Poulopoulos, N., Schurman, J. V., & Greenley, R. N. (2016).
Examining predictors of health care utilization in youth with inflammatory bowel diseases. European Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 28(4), 469-474.
Plevinsky, J. M., Wojtowicz, A. A., Poulopoulos, N., Schneider, K., & Greenley, R. N. (2017).
Perceived impairment in sports participation in adolescents with inflammatory bowel disease: A preliminary examination. Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition, 66(1).
Plevinsky, J. M., Gumidyala, A. P., Poulopoulos, N., Kahn, S. A., Guilfoyle, S., Hommel, K., &
Greenley, R. N. (2017). Illness-related parenting stress among parents of adolescents and young adults with inflammatory bowel diseases. Children’s Health Care, 47(2), 136-149.
Nguyen, E., Bugno, L., Kandah, C., Plevinsky, J., Poulopoulos, N., Wojtowicz, A. A., Schneider,
K., & Greenley, R. N. (2016). Is there a good app for that? Evaluating mHealth apps for strategies that promote pediatric medication adherence. Telemedicine and e-Health, 22(11), 929-937.
Gumidyala, A. P., Plevinsky, J. M., Poulopoulos, N., Kahn, S. A., Walkiewicz, D., & Greenley,
R. N. (2016). What teens don’t know can hurt them: An assessment of disease knowledge in adolescents and young adults with IBD. Inflammatory Bowel Diseases, 23(1), 89-96.
Greenly, R. N., Gumidyala, A. P., Nguyen, E., Plevinsky, J. M., Poulopoulos, N., Thomason, M.
M., Walter, J. G., Wojtowicz, A. A., Blank, E., Gokhala, R., Kirschner, B. S., Miranda, A., Noe, J. D., Stephens, M. C., Werlin, S., & Kahn, S. A. (2015). Can you teach a teen new tricks? Problem solving skills training improves oral medication adherence in pediatric patients with inflammatory bowel disease participating in a randomized trial. Inflammatory Bowel Diseases, 21(11), 2649-57.